About the board
The Board manages the daily running of the association and sets its direction which is laid down in the annual policy plan. The Board assesses the functioning of the association in an Annual report. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the association works as well as it can do for the students of the LLM European Union Law and European Competition Law tracks at UvA. The board also work alongside the committees to organise events and projects. Being a board member is an excellent learning experience, as you will develop good communication and organisational skills and help take EU-reka to the next level.
What does the position of chair entail?
The chair of the association heads the board together with the rest of the board members. In this position, you have to have the best interest of the association in mind and make sure that all (active) members are fulfilling their respective tasks. You are not only responsible for the overall functioning of EU-reka but also there to represent the association. Your tasks include, among many others, charing the board meetings and general assemblies as well as supervising the academic committee. Moreover, you are the one that will stay in touch with most of the faculty members about the events that the association organizes and initiatives it plans.
What skills are good to have ?
- Organisation
- Representation
- Creativity
- Leadership
What are the responsibilities?
The Secretary has diverse roles. In general, you are in charge of the administrative side of the association : you ensure that it runs smoothly, managing data, keeping the members updated with the association’s events through newsletters and the management of social media, you are also involved in political decisions and keep track of them.
What skills are good to have ?
- Organisation
- Sociability
- Writing skills
- Practical thinking
What are your responsibilities?
The Vice-Chair position is probably one of the most flexible and versatile positions on the board. You are responsible for the ‘internal affairs’ of the association. You keep in touch with the representatives of the different committees and help them coordinate where necessary. Also activities to keep up the morale and internal cohesion fall within your scope of action.
What skills are good to have?
- Empathy
- Crisis management skills & reliability
- Organised
- Supportive
What does your role entail?
The treasurer is not always visible but in the end they are involved in every event that the association organizes. Especially when something has to be paid or funding has to be safeguarded. As treasurer you will be responsible for the financial administration of the association, collecting the membership fee and applying for university or external funding. You will work closely together with the other board members and keep them up to date about the financial opportunities that lay ahead.
What skills are good to have?
- Numeracy
- Structured
- Openness
- Adaptability
Commissioner of External Affairs
What does your role entail?
Being the Commissioner of External Affairs is an exciting and active position within the board and the association. You will be in charge of the acquisition and building contacts with law firms and organizations outside the University of Amsterdam. Your tasks will include organising law firm visits and other network events, such as the annual Career Event. As the Commissioner of External Affairs, you are also responsible for the Career Committee.
What skills are essential?
- Professionalism
- Excellent communication and organisational skills
- Social and assertive
- Teamwork spirit
Please send in your application (CV & a short motivation) by 15th of September 2021 to board@eureka-uva.com.
about the committees
Academic Committee:
The Academic Committee focuses on organising interesting and informative events that relate to the European Union law and European Competition law. This year we plan to organise a series of guest lectures from prominent scholars and those working in the field. These will dive into some of the most current and debated topics. Alongside this, there are possibilities for conferences, trips, debates and more.
Career Committee:
The Career Committee is here to make the bridge between the university and the industry, to connect students and those working in the field, to familiarise students with the types of jobs possible after the study. The Committee is working on networking events for students to meet a wide variety of professionals and businesses. In addition, the committee coordinates visits to different law firms.
Social Committe:
The social committee organises all of the social events for the association. They have the responsibility to bring the fun into the association and organsine great activities for the students. The committee is currently putting together many various activities includings, borrels, pub quizzes, and more.
Please send in your application (CV & a short motivation) by 15th of September 2021 to board@eureka-uva.com.